Alanna Stewart

Alanna has been a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine since 2009, and a CrossFit coach since 2010. Her passion for fitness and healing the human body through exercise began with enjoyment of many competitive sports, including gymnastics, swimming, track and field, and cross country. 

An accident in 2006 left Alanna with seven broken bones, multiple torn tendons, and a few surgeries. Her hard work in physical therapy toward a full recovery and healing was the catalyst to building a career in helping others achieve health after injury and attain optimal physical conditioning.  

As a life long learner, She holds many specializations including Corrective Exercise, a competitive swim coaching background, and is currently working on a nutrition certification. 

When she isn’t at Coeur Vitality or training at CrossFit CDA, Alanna is seeking adventure in the outdoors and quality time with her husband, two kids and dogs. Cooking nutritious and beautiful meals is a top priority and part of her greater belief system in preventative care.  Reading good books and home improvement projects fill in her time between.  

"Never let anyone give you limits on how much healing your body can do, provide it with the mindset, the tools, the fuel, and see how far you can go."

Located in the heart of downtown Coeur d’Alene, Coeur Vitality unites the complementary visions of traditional, functional, and alternative medicine integrating many modalities to achieve better overall health while aiming to minimize prescription burdens and invasive medicine.

© 2020 Coeur Vitality. All rights reserved.