Our Coordination of Services

Prescription Refills
If you need a refill on a previously prescribed medication, please do one of the following:
Please first call your pharmacy to see if any refills remain, if not place a refill request (they will forward these to our clinic).
Send a portal message with your request for nursing to review
Call our clinic directly to speak to a nurse if the above not options, or you are requesting a new prescription. Please understand, an office visit is frequently required for new prescriptions.
Please provide the following information with your request:
Prescribing provider
Preferred pharmacy
Your preferred contact phone number
Your medication name, strength, and frequency you take it
Brief reason why you need the refill
Please allow 48 business hours to process your refill request. Please don’t wait until you are completely out of your medication, as we cannot always guarantee same day refills. If you are over-due for health surveillance or lab monitoring, you may be asked to schedule an appointment before longer term refills are granted.
Controlled Prescriptions:
Controlled prescriptions should be refilled by your primary provider who is most familiar with your case and situation. Please provide refill requests with ample time (72 hours) for your primary provider to attend to your request. For chronic controlled prescriptions, a refill plan should have been reviewed by your primary provider and filed in your chart with refill time-lines and appointment frequency expectations. If early requests are being made, or appointment expectations past due—you may be asked to be seen in person before refills granted. We appreciate your understanding and patience in helping us navigate these heavily monitored prescriptions safely.
Correspondence Telephone & Portal
Telephone Correspondence: Every phone call is important to us, and we will attempt to answer your calls and return your phone messages as promptly as possible. If it is a life-threatening situation, please hang up and call 911 or go to your local emergency room. If your call is a true urgent matter, please speak to the front desk receptionist rather than leaving a voicemail with your providers nurse so that they can facilitate prompt triaging of your situation. Please allow 24 hours for non-urgent calls. We try to return all voicemail messages before the end of each business day and are checking our voicemail frequently throughout the day between patient care appointments. Voice messages received after 4 pm, may not be returned until the next business day. Please be aware that the providers will not leave their scheduled patients to return routine phone calls; these are generally answered after patient care sessions are finished.
Patient Portal Correspondence: For non-urgent concerns or inquiries, your patient portal can be a great option to communicate with your patient care team. Messages sent through the patient portal are seen by your providers nursing team, and can be addressed directly by a nurse or forwarded to your provider for input. Patient portal messages are addressed during business hours-- while we try to address these messages in real-time during office hours, please allow for one business day for responses via your patient portal.
Good medical care cannot always be accomplished over the phone or via patient portal messaging, so we may advise you to schedule an office visit to discuss your concerns, problems, or test results.
Labs and Testing
Depending on the type of labs ordered, the turnover time is typically anywhere from 2 to 7 days. After the lab results are processed please allow 24-48 hours for your primary provider to review the labs, and staff to relay the results to you. If you do not hear back from the clinic within a reasonable amount of time, please do call us (no news is not good news, it might mean results were lost in processing!).
If you need follow up labs, please call the office to arrange either a nursing visit for blood draw, or to pick up a lab slip for your blood draw at an outside lab facility.
Our clinic is partnered with LabCorp for our routine lab work and processing. You will receive a separate statement of charges for lab services provided, as we do not directly bill for these services. Any questions with statements from these ancillary services, we ask that you contact them directly as our billing department is not privy to these details.
Specialist Referrals
Referrals are provided by your primary care physicians. You must be seen first in order to determine if a referral is appropriate in your unique situation. Insurance frequently require documentation and examination from your primary care provider for referrals to be covered. If you feel that you need a referral to a specialist, please schedule an appointment to discuss it further with your primary care physician.
If you have already received a referral, and the referral has since expired, please call Coeur Vitality to determine if referral eligible for renewal.
Referrals can take some time, as some specialty offices or short staffed and appointments out a bit. That being said, you should typically hear from the specialty office for scheduling within two weeks, and we encourage you to call Coeur Vitality if you have not heard from them so that we can reach out and try to advocate for you!
Radiology Imaging
Imaging ordered by our providers can be completed locally at the following facilities:
Kootenai Out-patient Imaging Center
Coeur d’Alene: located in the 700 W. Ironwood Dr. building North Entrance, across the street from Kootenai Hospital. (208) 625-6300. Get Directions
Post Falls: location is located 1300 E Mullan Ave, Ste 700, Post Falls, ID · (208) 625-5564. Get Directions
Northwest Specialty Hospital
located at 750 N. Syringa St., Ste. 105, Post Falls, ID. (208) 262-2333. Get Directions
If imaging requires prior-authorizations from your insurance provider, this can take some time to coordinate. We advocate at Coeur Vitality for prompt authorization and coordination of scheduling, but please do not hesitate to call us if you feel like your service coordination is being unduly delayed!
Once you have completed your imaging study, please allow 2-4 business days for your imaging results to be relayed back to you. Imaging reports generally are returned to us within 24-48 hours. Often another 24-48 hours is needed for the physician to review the results, and for staff to communicate them back to you.
Any questions with billing statements from these ancillary services, we ask that you contact the facility directly as our billing department is not privy to these details.
Prevention Immunizations
Immunizations are one of the most powerful tools we have to protect against numerous infectious diseases that in the past caused significant morbidity and mortality to both children and adults. Vaccines offer protection from a variety of serious or potentially fatal diseases, including diphtheria, measles, meningitis, polio, tetanus and whooping cough. If these diseases seem uncommon — or even unheard of — it simply means that vaccines are doing their job. If immunization rates drop, vaccine-preventable diseases may once again become common threats.
We realize that there is a lot of media and contradicting messages that circulates in the community. These messages can often be confusing and sometimes misleading, especially for parents who have their children’s best interests at heart. Please do not hesitate to approach our providers with your questions on immunizations, as they are always willing to have candid conversations and help put plans together based on shared decision making. Below we have provided some links that can provide you with up to date and accurate information on particular immunizations, Immunization schedules, and common questions.
Immunization Information:
Immunization Schedules:
Children ages 0-6yrs: Vaccine Schedules | Childhood Vaccines | CDC
Adolescents ages 7-18yrs: Vaccine Schedules | Childhood Vaccines | CDC
More Information: