Pediatric Care

Newborn Care

Congratulations. This is an exciting and sometimes, let face it an exhausting time.  We are here to help support you through this process.  We want you to be able to focus on bonding and loving your baby, while we help tend to their medical needs. 

Establishing Care

If you have not yet established care with our practice, please apply here as soon as possible.  We like to see our newborns within one to two days after discharge from the hospital, or delivery with midwifes care (if delivered at birthing center or home).  

Hospital Births

Please inform the hospital staff that you have established care with us when you check in for your labor and delivery.  They will then give us a call to let us know so we can coordinate hospital rounding on your newborn.  Routine care during your hospital stay includes Hepatitis B vaccine, Vitamin K shot, and antibacterial eye ointment—if you have any questions about these, we can discuss them further prior or during your hospital stay.  We will then help to coordinate your follow up in clinic 1-2 days after discharge from the hospital, to help keep close track of weight gain and other important well newborn monitoring items.  You will be provided a green envelope with your babies newborn screening card—please hang on to this and bring it to your follow up clinic appointment, as we will need this for the second screening due at your 2 week old clinic visit. 

Services Offered

  • Safety, and parenting advice

  • Breast feeding help

  • Growth & weight surveillance

  • Immunizations

  • Sick visits (ear infections, rashes, etc)

  • Urgent care services (stitches, casting, etc!)

Child Health Care

Early Years

Navigating early years with every child can be a different journey filled with love, laughter, and its fair share of challenges.  At Coeur Vitality we are here for our families to help monitor appropriate growth and development, provide safety and anticipatory guidance, arm parents with tools to establish healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits, and assist through life’s little (or big) challenges! 

Child Health Services

  • Developmental screening

  • Language development

  • Growth & weight surveillance

  • Nutrition education

  • Medical grade ear piercing

  • Community resources for sport, exercise, and active play!

  • Establishing healthy life habits

  • Safety, and parenting advice

  • Immunizations

  • Sports & Camp Physicals

  • Sick visits (ear infections, rashes, etc)

  • Urgent care services (stitches, casting, etc!)

Adolescent Health Care

Teen Years

Our big, not quite grown-up youth have quickly evolved healthcare and development needs.  Maturation, hormone changes, body image, and frequently confusing journeys in self-discovery can sometimes be drama filled and frankly embarrassing to share with parents.  At Coeur Vitality we aim to arm our young people with tools to keep them healthy both body and mind, and yes to also be a resource for them to ask sometimes those difficult topics they are less willing to converse with their parents!

Help Life-line

With parental consent, we offer the no-questions asked life-line to our adolescents as part of our Signature MD Membership with Dr. Burns.  That is, a cell phone number they can call 24/7 if they find themselves in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation. This allows the youth the ability to recognize a bad situation and have assistance/advice on how to remove themselves from unanticipatedly tricky or unsafe situations. This can allow youth another route to ask for assistance that they might not otherwise ask for in situations that they fear reprimand or judgement from their parents.

Adolescent Health Services

  • Screening blood pressure, cholesterol lab screening, and other health markers

  • Puberty and changing bodies

  • Sports & College Physicals

  • Fitness/sport goal setting and personal training plans

  • Sick visits (sore throats, acne, headaches, etc)

  • Urgent care services (orthopedic injuries, stitches, casting, etc!)

  • Growth and development tracking

  • Nutrition education and assessments

  • Community resources for sport, exercise, and active play!

  • Establishing healthy life habits

  • Mental health and confidential counseling

  • Immunizations

  • Safety and disease prevention