Crystal Rounds

Crystal has been in the medical field for over 35 years, first working with Dr. Burns as a Medical Assistant back in 2009. After 4 great years, family obligations took her to other opportunities; with the opening of Coeur Vitality in 2020, the stars aligned, and we at CV are excited to have Crystal (a true gem) on the team as our lead Medical Assistant, Clinic Manager, and diligent coordinator of all happenings at Coeur Vitality!
Below you'll find a brief Q&A that will make Crystal clear!
The BEST place to live: Of course, North Idaho! Even though I was raised in Anchorage, Alaska and love its beauty, I really love my four seasons here in Northern Idaho. I have lived here for 21 years now. The terrain and wildlife here is very similar to Anchorage, just on a smaller scale.
My BEST Friend: My husband Brian. We have been married for 35 years. We met in Anchorage Alaska at a basketball tournament in High School.
My BEST Accomplishment: Raising our 2 outstanding children. Our son Chandler, 32, got his degree in IT in the Navy after stationed in Honolulu Hawaii for three years. Our daughter, Camille, 30, got her degree in Anchorage, Alaska and works at Providence Hospital as a Physical Therapist Assistant.
My BEST Joy: My grandchildren. Although they live far away in Anchorage, Alaska, we try to see each other 4-5 times a year and make up for loss time. They are my pride and joy.
My BEST happy place: Any place out-door. I love to snow ski, hike, bike, kayak, boating, camping, and 4-wheeling. Fresh air and exercise is good for my soul and energizes me naturally.
My BEST Trip: I have gone to Nepal 4 times on medical missions. The people of the villages have taught and gave me more than what I could ever do for them. It changed my life, and I appreciate America, a hot shower and toilets a lot more.
My BEST Quotes: If you are not learning, you are teaching. Everything happens for a reason. Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and keep trying as long as you keep moving forward.
Now that you know me a little more, I look forward to knowing and serving you.