Epigenetics: A Primer

We are all familiar with Newtons laws of physics, take a few minutes with me to dive into law number three: FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION. Let’s just look at what this science actually means for us on a day to day basis when we tie it in with the law of adaptation and true epigenetic change. 

Epigenetics: the study of the modification of gene expression. This is less about your DNA itself completely changing, and more about the ability of our body to read and then interpret our gene sequences.  

For example, the first time a person does a pushup, the body responds and reacts (opposite and equally) in a certain way,  the brain is controlling this, it was the brains idea in the first place, but then it may respond back: “hey, this is new, we don’t really like it, and our muscle feedback is weak so we should stop, our genes aren’t set up for this.” If we wait three/four weeks before trying pushups again, then our brain, body and genes will continue being stuck in this same loop and we will not enact any change. This is a waste of an opposite and equal reaction. However, if we do three pushups the next day, followed by five the day after that and work our way up….we will inevitably reach a place where we can do twenty pushups in a row every day. We know that is how exercise works, the fun part is realizing that THIS is in fact epigenetic change! The brain is reading our gene sequences (which will reflect whatever stimulus they have been in) then interpreting it ( realizing it better make some changes in the body to safely keep up with its new environment.) Interpretation turns into muscle building, skill development, and a new message from brain to body that will be deployed next time that stimulus is applied.

What this means is that your body is designed with the ability to change and adapt, down to a cellular level.  How incredible is that opportunity, If we can choose to take an action that will alter how our cells function and react? Scientists, physicist, and a plethora of other brilliant researchers have scientifically proven these concepts to us over and over again, though they culminate into something really quite simple. If we place outside demands on the body, (exercise) the body will rise to meet those demands over time by many different means necessary. (Creating muscle, bone density, production of hormones) 

The opposite is unfortunately true as well, if we remove demands on the body (becoming more sedentary) then our body communicates to our brain that we probably no longer need those adaptations. Obviously, some things boil down to genetics or pre-dispositions and not EVERYTHING is in our control. However, there is always a few things that are, so let’s take hold of them and run with it, why not?

What is in my control? How do I figure out what demands to impose on my body to achieve my goals? Decide and write down one to three things that you want for your health and fitness that are attainable and realistic, taking into consideration your health history and advice from your Doctor. This will be vastly different for everyone,  some may want to run a marathon, deadlift twice their body weight, or develop better habits with food. Others may want to get up out of their chair and back in it without losing balance, feeling pain and sending their heart rate up. With these goals, and any you may come up with for yourself, it’s important to break them down into smaller goals that are on a timeline for yourself.

 “Every other day, I will run, ill start with one mile as my distance for the first week, and ill add a mile to the daily distance with each additional week, and ill commit to this for six months until my marathon date”

“Ill get up and out of my chair ten times instead of five today, I’ll keep doing this for 30 days at which point I’ll note if it has gotten easier, and change the goal if it has.”

The key is to not overwhelm yourself with too much at once, choose just one to three goals, and break them down to starting points. You may decide you want some help figuring this part out. After that, you get to be your own science experiment, and literally watch epigenetic change at work in your body.

Your (nerdy) Fitness Coach at Coeur Vitality and CrossFit Cd'A,

Alanna Stewart CPT, CFL1 


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