Kelli Grambeau: On Exercise

Hi to all!

My name is Kelli Grambeau and I will be the Family Nurse Practitioner at Coeur Vitality. For those of you who may not know me, I am a lover of ALL things involving being active. We all know how important exercise and activity can be for our minds, bodies and souls, yet some of us have a hard time finding the motivation to do it. The thing I love the most about exercise is the way it makes me feel about myself. Knowing your body is strong enough to get you through a CrossFit workout, a walk around Tubbs Hill, a spin class, yoga or a run through town is a pretty awesome feeling. I am a firm believer in loving your body for what it is and what it can do for you. In my eyes, self-love is the root of overall happiness and well-being. 

In the recent COVID era, we have all received a curve ball in our day to day lives. One big one is the motivation to exercise while gyms may be closed, or you are unable to attend the gym due to unforeseen circumstances. Luckily for us, we live in a beautiful place with endless exercise opportunities outdoors. Whether it be hiking, biking, walking, paddle boarding, running, kayaking or swimming, just get out and move, your heart will thank you later . My favorite at home workouts are those that only require your body. Sit-ups, air squats, push-ups and lunges to name a few, are amazing body weight movements that can be easily done at home. Another family favorite, and all the credit goes to my wife, is an activity: run or walk. This is an awesome way to break up the monotony of a walk or run. For instance, say you set out on a 30-minute jog. Every 5 minutes stop and do 10-20 reps of a body weight movement (i.e. air squats, walking lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, line hops, etc.). Get creative with it, maybe find a rock or a brick and press it over your head, or a box to do step ups on, it’s your workout to make your own. I hope to meet many of you in the clinic this Fall, now get out there and move!

Happy exercising and stay well, 



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